Monday, March 9, 2009

Why you don't go out on weekends!!!

Is the weekend the days you go out partying, or are the weekends the days you rest?!? 
To some, weekends are definitely for partying. Those are the kind of people that are super happy Friday afternoon, counting hours before they can start drinking. Just waiting to get together with the mates and get a table with all the alcohol you can imagine for one night.. Those are the kind of people that are drunk all weekend, giving away your two days off to be hangover.. But it makes them happy, because the men had 10 girls drinking from their table. And the girls are sooo happy these cool 'weekend men' are willing to give them free alcohol...  The guys are so happy and are 'in weekend heaven', that they don't realize that the girls are going home, alone, without them...  But they think they are the world, dressed in suits, slick hair and attitude from another planet, and the girls in their pink small stretch dresses with shoes that were outdated in 2005! They think that this weekend will be sooo good.. And it probably will be, because they are so drunk in the nights and were hangover during the days off...  In their eyes, that is a successful weekend...

But come on, who is really enjoying these rednecks boys who thinks they are kings on a Friday and Saturday night... uuughh You're better off than partying with cheesy 'men' and girls like this. 
Also, why be hangover on a day off when you can be hangover at work?!?!? No, A really good weekend is a weekend when you're staying in on Friday night, getting back the sleep you lost the past week. Wake up early Saturday morning, fully rested and having a fantastic breakfast with your roommates, pancakes (whole grain) with banana and orange juice. Spend the day cleaning and your room and putting back all the clothes you've been using through the busy party week. Then walking around in central park, looking and dreaming about the sporty hot guy running by, you smiling at you, because you look fresh, and not super hangover... THAT is a good start on a weekend, and how it should continue. And let the weekdays be the party days, and the weekend days you're relaxing. 

Never let the alcohol take over your life in weekends, that is when you're not a Manhattan girl anymore! :P

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